Saturday, January 10, 2009

I need a good laugh

January 10, 2009

My mood has been all over the place today. I've gone from feeling really down thinking about my health to laughing hysterically as I played with my ever comical dog.

I'm tired of feeling down. I'm actually a little tired of thinking about myself. There's this song the band Mini Bar sings called Holiday from Myself. That's what I need. "I need a holiday from myself. I need some time away from being me." Maybe that's why the video I saw today on YouTube of the guy dressed up as a superhero struck me as so funny ( I need to get in touch with my inner alter-ego/superhero. Really, I just need a good laugh. Any ideas?


  1. Why don't you write a friend, or family member, and tell them that the video of the guy dressed up as a superhero reminds you of them? Just a thought...

  2. I did that. It did give me a good laugh.
    Ha! Abby

  3. Eeep - know that feeling! I'm guessing going back to work and life picking up somewhat more of a routine that's not bounded by not feeling well will help.... or try this?
