Saturday, February 14, 2009


February 14, 2009

All I've been able to think about all day is how good I'm feeling. I don't know what's happened, but I'm hoping and praying that I've turned a corner.

My dad's here visiting us for a couple days. When he was here in December he bricked in our fireplace for us as our Christmas gift. I ended up in the hospital that weekend. The infection I had was some of the worst pain I have ever experienced.

Today we started our day going to a wood shop and purchasing the wood for our mantel piece. We stained the wood and then put the mantel up. We're finishing off the day sitting in front of the fire listening to a little Nick Drake and enjoying the beauty and the peace. I couldn't help but cry. My mind has been consumed by my pain for so long. Too long. And now there is freedom. I couldn't help but think about the times I cried out to God for a break, just a short break from the pain. And now there's relief. All day long I'm marveled at how good I feel and how thankful I am for it.

The dilation yesterday went well. Dr. T said I won't need to keep doing them any longer. When she walked in the prep area and I told her that I had had a good week she said, "Oh Abigail, I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that. You made my day!"

I have abandoned reservation at this point. I'm embracing my good days with open arms and a heart full of hope! So here's to hope!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thankful to read your words of hope. It is an answer to prayer and you deserve it! Have a wonderful evening.
