Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My request

October 13, 2009

Okay folks. This is it. This is the blog entry where I am going to pull all the stops in advocating for you to take action to help with something very important. I might even play on your emotions a little. So you've been warned, okay? (smile)

I was hospitalized in 2008 (for those of you who haven't read my blog from the beginning) because my colon was diseased with Ulcerative Colitis. My colon was entirely covered with ulcers (I know, I saw pictures of it after it was removed) which bled every time I had a bowel movement. At the time, I was having anywhere between 17 and 24 bowel movements a day. Needless to say, I lost a lot of blood. During my lengthy hospitalization I had five blood transfusions and two plasma transfusions. I would not be here today if others had not donated blood and plasma. (Are you getting where I'm going with this?)

So here's the unabashed play on your emotions: If you are a family member or friend of mine who followed what was happening with me when I was sick and you felt helpless to do anything, it's not too late! You can still do something to help others like me. You can GIVE BLOOD! If you are someone who has just stumbled upon this blog, don't worry, you too can give blood!

Are you getting all nervous just thinking about it? Yes, it will be a little uncomfortable, but I can promise you that you won't die in the process!! When they poke you with the needle, just think, "Abby had things like this and worse happen to her numerous times every day. I can do it this once!" Take your whole family and make an event of it! Teach your children how they can save lives when they get older! Coordinate a group of friends going together to donate and go out for desserts afterward! However you choose to do it - donate blood!!

Another promise - I will give you a big THANK YOU on my blog when you donate! So please, let me know when you've donated! For more information visit www.givelife.org.

(Thanks for putting up with me.)

1 comment:

  1. Our church just did a blood drive and I couldn't. I wanted to but the fear stopped me. I too have been poked and prodded with veins that roll and hide and more than any other pain, kidney stone, babies, surgeries, needles are my biggest fear. I will look into it more for you but can't promise it. You are definately on more than just my prayer list now!:)
