Monday, August 2, 2010

How've you been?

August 2, 2010

I was at the doctor's office today, waiting for my name to be called, when a former co-worker walked in. Someone I hadn't seen in three years. Three long years. "How've you been?" he asked with a big smile on his face. "I'm doing alright," I answered. We're meeting in the doctor's office, maybe he'll think my lack of energy and enthusiasm is because I'm not feeling well.

We chit-chatted awkwardly as we both waited, and then my name was called. I was so relieved. What do I say? How do you sum up three important years in a casual conversation. You don't, right? You don't. But my world has changed. My entire world has changed. But it's left unsaid as it should be in this situation. It's just such a strange thing. To talk with someone who knew me then, right before my world fell apart, and who has no idea.

But it was okay too, not to spill myself all over the place. To remain composed. To hold within myself the most important moments of who I am. It was okay.


  1. I can't help but wonder -- being a former co-worker means you have other people in common, people with whom he may have kept in touch. I can't help but wonder if he already knew.

  2. To Anonymous: He said he left the agency shortly after I did and he was a bit of a recluse, so I highly doubt he already knew.
