Tuesday, June 15, 2010


June 15, 2010

Things have been a little rocky for me lately health-wise. The last couple of weeks I haven't felt well and this weekend they got worse. Saturday night I was in a lot pain when I went to the bathroom (which was frequently) and then for quite some time afterwards as well. Then all day Sunday too. Monday morning I got up and showered and dressed for work only to break down crying as I approached my front door, realizing that I wasn't going to be able to manage with all the pain I was in. I called in sick yesterday and pestered Dr. G's office till they got me in to see him yesterday afternoon. He said he thinks I need a dilation. I'm guessing he's right. He wrote orders for Dr. T to do a dilation ASAP. He said if she couldn't get me in right away to page the resident working with him and let him know. I'm guessing she'll be able to get me in. She's usually pretty good about that. Because he's now the Dean and only sees patients on Monday afternoons, it will be easier to get in to see her than him. I'll be calling first thing this morning to get it scheduled.

It's disappointing to have this issue creep up on me again. The pain is exhausting.

The resident that was working with Dr. G yesterday introduced himself to me when he came in the room like we had never met. Seriously? He saw me pretty regularly while I was in the hospital too. He's been seeing me for years. I never liked him. Even when I was in the hospital he would stand close to the door like he was afraid of me or something. Yesterday he never let me finish my sentence before he moved on to the next question. Not once. So annoying. It wasn't till I was up on the gurney with him palpating my abdomen that he remembered who I was. "How many times have you been admitted?" he asked. I laughed. "Hmmm . . . eight, maybe ten. I don't know." "Do you have children?" he dared to ask me. "We lost a child when all this happened in the beginning." Then he remembered. "Oh yeah. You saw Dr. I then right? You were on cyclosporine? You look different. That was a tough time." Well, at least he remembered that much. Someone seriously needs to talk to that man about his bedside manner. I don't really put much stock in what the residents say anyway. I wait till I hear things from Dr. G because I've heard him contradict what they've said too many times. But he was just outright annoying.

So anyway. I'm going to work today, pain and all. Grumpy, down mood and all. And I'm hoping to get in for my dilation by the end of the week. Cross your fingers for me. Ugh.


  1. I'm not sure why your doctor hasn't prescribed home dilators. It would be maintenance to prevent the up and down cycle of this happening again and again.

    Good luck.

  2. The anastomosis that needs dilated is too high up inside me to do self-dilations. My surgeon says she doesn't even want other doctors to dilate me because she is worried about perforations (perhaps she's too cautious). Besides, when I've tried to have dilations without the conscious sedation drugs, I couldn't do it. I was too much of a wimp I guess (though I think I have a pretty high tolerance for pain). I was screaming in pain. So that's why no home dilators.

  3. My friend Tim and I used to talk about the horrible people skills in the doctors he encountered during his battle with cancer. He determined that most doctors are "wicked book smart, but have zero social skills". A resident still has a lot to learn in that realm. I suppose not everyone can be skilled in both arenas, but you'd think they could at least have some training in basic relationship building with clients.
    I hope the dilation alleviates your pain and you feel much better very soon! hugs and love to you!

  4. I'm crossing my fingers for you! Feel better fast, please! Love and Hugs - Treehouse
